Water and Environmental Engineering
Seminar (FA، EN)
Water Resources Systems Analysis 1 (FA، EN)
Water Resources Systems Analysis 2 (FA، EN)
Water Resources Management and Planning (FA، EN)
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Heat Transfer (FA، EN)
Environmental Systems Dynamics (FA، EN)
Water Wave Mechanics (FA، EN)
Applied Groundwater Flow Modeling (FA، EN)
Ground-Water Contamination (FA، EN)
Hydrodynamics (FA، EN)
Numerical Methods in Water Engineering (FA، EN)
Air Pollution and Control Methods (FA، EN)
Aqueous Systems Analysis Laboratory (FA، EN)Fundamentals of Processes in Environmental Engineering (FA، EN)
Advanced Hydrology (FA، EN)
Application of Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Civil Engineering and Laboratory (FA، EN)
Environmental Hydrodynamics (FA، EN)
Hydraulic Structures Design (FA، EN)
Design of Natural Wastewater Treatment Systems (FA، EN)
Urban Solid Waste Pollution and Control (FA، EN)
Water and Wastewater Treatment (FA، EN)
Water Quality Management (FA، EN)
Advanced Mathematics (FA، EN)
Stochastic Hydrology (FA، EN)
Creativity and Problem Solving in Engineering (FA، EN )
Surface Water Quality Modeling (FA، EN)
Uncertainty Analysis in Hydrological Models (FA, EN)
Climate Change and Global Warming (FA, EN)
Hydrological Modelling (FA, EN)
Port Facilities Design (FA, EN)
Offshore Facilities Design (FA, EN)
Advanced Hydraulics (FA, EN) -
Geotechnical EngineeringEducational Program of Geotechnical Engineering GroupGeotechnical Seminar I (FA, EN)Geotechnical Seminar II (FA, EN)Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering (FA، EN)
Earth Dams and Projects (FA، EN)Ground Improvement (FA، EN)
Soil Dynamics (FA، EN)
Advanced Numerical Methods in Geomechanics (FA، EN)
Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering (FA، EN)
Environmental Geotechnics (FA، EN)
Field Exploration in Geotechnical Engineering (FA، EN)
Advanced Soil Mechanics 1 (FA، EN)
Advanced Soil Mechanics 2 (FA، EN)
Unsaturated Soil Mechanics (FA، EN)
Rock Mechanics (FA، EN)
Advanced Foundation Engineering (FA، EN)
Tunnel Engineering (FA، EN)
Advanced Engineering Mathematics (FA, EN)
Advanced Engineering Geology (FA, EN)
Soil-Structure Interaction (FA, EN)
Structural Reliability and Probabilistic Management (FA, EN)
Mechanics of Continuous Media I (FA, EN)
Advanced Soil Laboratory (FA, EN) -
Econometrics (FA، EN)
Logistics (FA، EN)
Transportation Operations Research (FA، EN)
Advanced Asphalt Materials (FA، EN)
Advanced Pavement Design (FA، EN)
Geometric Design of Highways (FA، EN)
Traffic Flow Theory (FA، EN)
Computer Simulation (FA، EN)
Transportation Demand Analysis (FA، EN)
Airport Planning and Design (FA، EN)
Railway Engineering and Design (FA، EN)
Transportation Planning (FA، EN)
Road Management and Maintenance (FA، EN)
Advanced Engineering Mathematics (FA، EN)
Transportation Project Evaluation (FA، EN)
Advanced Traffic Engineering (FA، EN)
Transportation Systems Analysis (FA، EN)
Traffic Safety (FA، EN)
Transportation Systems Evaluation (FA، EN)
Sustainable Transportation (FA, EN) -
Structural and Earthquake Engineering
Structural Vibrations (FA، EN)
rinciples of Seismic Design (FA، EN)
Elasticity (FA، EN)
Nonlinear Structural Analysis (FA، EN)
Structural Optimization (FA، EN)
Structural Repair and Strengthening (FA، EN)
Plasticity Theory (FA، EN)
Ductile Behavior of Steel Structures (FA، EN)
Advanced Engineering Mathematics (FA، EN)
Structural and Earthquake Seminar (FA، EN)
tructural Repair and Strengthening Using Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) (FA، EN)
Design and Analysis with Fiber Composite Material (FA، EN)
Finite Elements (FA، EN)
Structural Reliability and Probabilistic Modeling (FA، EN)
Structural Control (FA، EN)
Nonlinear Structural and Material Modeling (FA، EN)
Fracture Mechanics (FA، EN)
Nonlinear Structural Modeling (FA، EN)
Advanced Earthquake Engineering (FA، EN)
Finite Elements 2 (EN)
Infrastructure Risk and Resilience (FA، EN)Course syllabus without reference:
Random Vibrations (FA، EN)
Analysis and Design of Concrete Dams (FA، EN)
Steel Bridges (FA، EN)
High-Rise Building Analysis and Design (FA، EN)
Advanced Concrete Technology (FA، EN)
Prestressed Concrete Structures (FA، EN)
Advanced Concrete Structures (FA، EN)
Steel Design with LRFD Method (FA، EN)
Continuum Mechanics (FA، EN)
Micromechanics of Fracture in Solids (FA، EN)
Plates and Shells (FA، EN) -
Construction Engineering and Management
Educational Program of Construction and Management Engineering Group
Course syllabus of construction and management engineering (FA, EN) -
Hydraulic Structures EngineeringEducational Program of Hydraulic Structures Engineering Group
Analysis and Design of Concrete Dams (FA، EN)
Earth Dams and Projects (FA، EN)
Unsaturated Soil Mechanics (FA، EN)
Advanced Concrete Technology (FA، EN)
Advanced Engineering Mathematics (FA، EN)
Prestressed Concrete Structures (FA، EN)
Advanced Concrete Structures (FA، EN)
Finite Elements (FA، EN)
Diversion Dams (FA)
Seminar (FA)
Port Facilities Design (FA)
Water Structures Design (FA)
Hydraulic Structures 2 (FA)