To create the full e-mail address, you should add "at sharif dot edu".

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Zahra Amini

(Assistant Professor)

Email : zahra.amini

Room No : 522

Phone :  (021)66164203

Fax :  (021)66014828

Website :
BSc : Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, USA. 2013
MSc : Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, USA. 2015

phD : Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, USA, 2018
  • ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems)
  • Smart Cities
  • Traffic Flow Theory
  • Traffic Control Strategies
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Yousef Shafah


Email : shafahi

Phone :  (021)66164246

Room No : 426

Website :
BSc : Mathematics, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, 1986

MSc : System Planning (Operation Research), Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 1988

phD : Civil Engineering, University of Maryland, Collage Park, MD, USA, 1997
  • Urban Transportation Planning; Road, Rail, and Air Transportation
  • Transit Networks Design and Schedualing
  • Applications of Operation Research, Soft Computing, Machine Learning and Simulation in Transportation.
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Mohammad Sabouri

(Assistant Professor)

Email : sabouri

Phone : (021)66164247

Room No :  525

Website :
BSc : Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2007.

MSc : Road and Pavement Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2009.

phD : ransportation Materials and Systems, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA, 2014.
  • Characterizing and performance modeling of pavement materials
  • Pavement systems
  • Pavement design and rehabilitation
  • Pavement preservation
  • Geometric design of highways
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Amir Samimi

(Associate Professor)

Email : asamimi

Website :
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Nader Tabatabaee


Email : nader

Phone : تلفن تماس : 66164239، 66164181 (021)

Room NO : شماره اتاق : 416

Website :
BSc : Civil Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, 1982

MSc :Civil Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 1987

phD : Civil Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 1991
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Amir.H Kermanshah

(Assistant Professor)

Email : kermanshah