To create the full e-mail address, you should add "at sharif dot edu".

Responsive Image

Masoud Tajrishy


Email : tajrishy

Phone :  (021)66164185-(021)66036016 

Room No : 424

صفحه شخصی : CV
کارشناسی: علوم و مهندسی آب و خاك، دانشگاه كاليفرنيا، ديويس، آمريكا، 1988

کارشناسی ارشد: علوم و مهندسی آب، دانشگاه كاليفرنيا، ديويس، كاليفرنيا، آمريكا، 1990

 دكترا: مهندسی محيط زيست، دانشگاه كاليفرنيا، ديويس، كاليفرنيا، آمريكا، 1993
Responsive Image

Mirmosadegh Jamali


Email : jamali

Phone : (021)66164215

Room No :  411

Website :
BSc : Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1987

MSc : Structural Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1990

MSc : Applied Mathematics, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 2000

phD : Civil Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 1998
مکانیک سیالات محیطی (جریان های طبقه بندی شده، اختلاط در آب های سطحی، دینامیک دریاچه ها)

روشهای عددی در مهندسی (روش اجزاء محدود، روش المان مرزی، روش تفاضل محدود)

مهندسی سواحل و اقیانوس (هیدرودینامیک موج، سازه‌های فراساحلی، انتقال رسوبات ساحلی، مدل‌سازی عددی)

سازه های دیوار نازک
Responsive Image

Farkhondeh Khorashadi Zadeh

(Assistant Professor)

Email : khorashadi

Phone :  (021)66164295

Room No :  418

Website :
کارشناسی: مهندسی عمران، دانشگاه صنعتی شریف، تهران، ایران 1389

کارشناسی ارشد: مهندسی منابع آب، دانشگاه لوون، دانشگاه بروکسل(برنامه مشترک)، لوون-بروکسل، بلژیک، 1392

دکتری: مهندسی منابع آب، دانشگاه بروکسل، بروکسل، بلژیک، 1399
آنالیز حساسیت و آنالیز عدم قطعیت

مدلسازی هیدرولوژی

مدلسازی کیفی رودخانه

مدلسازی، کنترل و مدیریت سیلاب در حوضه های شهری

هوش مصنوعی
Responsive Image

Mohammad Danesh Yazdi

(Associate Professor)

Email : danesh

Phone :  (021)66164241

Room No :  425

Website :
BSc : Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2009

MSc : Water Resources Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2011.

phD : Civil Engineering (Water Resources Engineering), University of Minnesota, USA, 2017.
  • Conceptual hydrological modeling to understand source of water, flow pathways, and residence times
  • Computational hydrology to explore the linkage between water and energy cycles
  • Remote sensing application in environmental monitoring
  • Agent-based modeling in water resources management
Responsive Image

Mohammad Raie

(Assistant Professor)

Email : raie

Phone :  (021)66164203

Room No :  415

Website :
BSc : Civil Engineering, University of Tehran, 1999.

MSc : Civil Engineering, University of Tehran, 2001.

phD : Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, 2009.
  • Areas: Water, environment and hydraulic structures engineering

    1- Water engineering, hydrodynamics and sediments

    2- Environmental engineering, convection and diffusion of pollution

    3- Engineering of hydraulic, marine and pipeline facilities

    4- Renewable energies and Hydrogen

Responsive Image

Razi Sheikholeslami

(Assistant Professor)

Email : razi.sheikholeslami

Phone :  (021)66164236

Room No :  503

Website :
B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, University of Tabriz, Iran, 2007–2011

M.Sc. in Civil Engineering-Hydraulics, Amirkabir University of Technology(Tehran Polytechnic),Iran, 2011–2013.

Ph.D. in Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, 2015–2019.
  • Watershed Systems Analysis & Modelling
  • Sensitivity & Uncertainty Analysis of Environmental Systems Models
  • Machine Learning Techniques with Application in Water Resources
  • Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty
Responsive Image

Ammar Safaie

(Assistant Professor)

Email :

Phone :  (021)66164232

Room No :  409

Website :
 2010 ,BSc : Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2012 ,MSc : Civil Engineering, Water Resources Eng., Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

 2017 ,phD : Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, U.S.A
  • Environmental Fluid Mechanics
  • Hydrodynamics
  • Lake Modeling
  • Ocean and Coastal Engineering Remote Sensing and GIS
  • Hydrology
  • Limnology and Oceanography
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Wave-Structure Interactions
  • Turbulence and mixing in stratified flows
  • Coastal processes
  • Surface water - groundwater interactions
  • Water Quality Modeling
  • Flood forecasting
  • Sediment and pollution transport
  • Water resilience
Responsive Image

Sanaz Moghim

(Associate Professor)

Email : moghim

Phone :  (021)66164216

Room No : 518

Website :  

Google Scholar: ixoK_CIAAAAJ

ORCID: 0000-0002-6320-1374
BSc : Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.2005

MSc : Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2007

phD : Georgia Institute of Technology, GA, USA, 2015
  • Hydrometeorology
  • climate change
  • Extreme weather
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Remote sensing in hydroclimatology
  • Anthropogenic forcing
  • Adaptation and mitigation plans

Google Scholar: ixoK_CIAAAAJ

ORCID: 0000-0002-6320-1374